POST and BEAM log cabin frame from start to finish | Work of ART by Norse Log Homes

Things are picking up speed at our offgrid land in North Vancouver Island! We took a day off after building the subfloor in just two days. Now it is the time to frame the postandbeam logcabin.

The amazing crew from Norse Log Homes arrived in early afternoon, and despite a long drive from their base in Lantzville, BC, got to work right away. By evening, the posts were all up, and all the beams were installed the next day. Our amazing logcabin is starting to take shape!

A nasty surprise delayed the truck departure – watch till the end to find out what happened. To see some of other amazing work by Norse Log Homes, visit their web gallery: (We are NOT sponsored by them. We just want to show our appreciation for their outstanding craftsmanship)